(c) The VanderBloemen Group - All rights reserved. -------- TEAM -------- Thank you to everyone who worked on the website at one point in time: Director of IT: Max Kulik From: Wisconsin, United States of America Code Monkey: Alex Bowles From: Oklahoma, United States of America -------- WEBSITE -------- The website is made with SvelteKit, RadixUI's Color palette, and TailwindCSS. We use GitHub + Cloudflare Pages to do most of the heavy lifting. Additionally, we use: - showdown, to convert the blog articles from Markdown to HTML. - yaml, to parse the blog articles headers. - animejs, for some animations. - sharp, to generate optimized images (.optimized.jpg/webp/avif) at build time using the existing JPG/PNG files in the repo. - vCards-JS, to generate a vCard for every location so that you can import the information directly into your contacts book. This website would not have been possible without OpenSource Software, thank you to the countless invividuals who work hard every day to bring us free software <3